Saturday, June 30, 2007

I'm 6 months old!

...and guess how I celebrated?? With a 102.5 fever! And pinkeye! And a throat infection!

I got sick on Thursday at daycare. Incidentally, the night before I also slept from 7:30 pm to 6:30 am WITHOUT WAKING MOMMY UP ONCE. I have only done that one other time and it was when I was like, 7 weeks old and Mommy had just bought me a new burrito blanket. Mommy's a little concerned now that I only did this because I was working on getting sick but ONLY I KNOW the answer to this, and I'm not telling! I was really not feeling well so I slept most of the day and went to bed for good at 4:30 (although Mommy didn't know I was going to bed for good so she had to wake me up later to change me into my PJs).

Anyhow, yesterday (my actual 6 month birthday) Mommy noticed that my junky eye was now junky with a special bonus of redness and often being completely stuck shut when I woke up from sleeping or naps. The doctor told her to bring me in today if it was still red and I was still sick. Which, I was! So Daddy brought me and the doctor told him what was wrong with me. Which is MANY THINGS. Now they've got some horrible eye drops to put in which I hate and the cleaning of my junky eye has ramped up to a zillion times its normal frequency and Mommy is completely paranoid that she's getting pinkeye, even though she's trying to wash her hands well and often.


Special K said...

oh, poor baby! that's no way to spend your birthday!

Little Jax said...

The eye drops aren't actually too bad. They'll clear up your pinkeye in a day or two. Plus there's enough medicine left in the bottle that the next time the daycare teachers try to tell your mommy that you have pinkeye, she can put the drops in that night and clear up any problems without having to go back to the doctor or missing any daycare. Get well soon!

Owen said...

Hey Jax, you're right! My eye already looks better today after only one day of drops.

SLM said...

Aww, I hope you feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

Isabella got pinkeye friday! I had experience with Brooklyn at the same age so I called the nurse lines and described the goop and they sent off a prescription. Bella is getting over her pinkeye. I got it in one eye but the gel is helping me as well. Hope you clear up soon. When Brooklyn was in daycare she was sick all the time. And trust me it build up quite the immunity.