Saturday, July 7, 2007


We have a pool in the neighborhood that we live in. Mommy and Daddy have taken me a few times but the water has been CHILLY. So I just whined and we went home. They took me on the 4th of July and the water was a lot nicer. I had a good time! Here I am in the car, sitting in my special chair. When I sit in my special chair, Mommy sings me a song about it. If I sing it for you right now though, it will probably get stuck in your head forever, so I'll spare you.

Here I am in the pool with Mommy.

Here I am with Daddy. He was helping me fly up into the air!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When daddy was small, he lived in the swimming pools, and was known as 'The Fish'. looks like you are going to follow in his footsteps. Enjoy. Great pictures, love the one in your car seat. All our love, Nan & Grandad.