Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Junky eye

I have a blocked tear duct, so I've had a junky eye pretty much since I was born. My right eye always had goop coming out of it, or was stuck together, or whatever. And Mommy and Daddy and my teachers at school were ALWAYS all up in my face with wet cotton pads or kleenex or wet washcloths trying to clean it off. I kept saying, "Just leave me! Leave it alone! Let me look like a homeless baby!" When Mommy would come pick me up at school she would say "Oh, poor little homeless baby.. Don't you have a Mommy to take care of you? You look so junky and dirty. I'll be your mommy!" People always thought I had an eye infection, but I didn't (well, except that one time I had pinkeye).

Also, I always looked like I had been in a fight. Mommy usually tells me not to put up the pictures that I look really bad in so that people don't think that she beats me or anything, but here's one she took of me at school (she is the photo parent for my room, thats why she had her camera with her).

I look like I've gone a few rounds with Rocky Balboa.

Anyhow, this Saturday morning Mommy came in to get me out of my crib and my eye was not junky at all. Not a hint of crust to be had. We were cautiously optimistic. The same thing happened on Sunday morning, Monday morning AND today, so I think it has finally happened, just like my doctor said it would: I think my junky eye has cleared up! Woooooo!!


Melissa Greenfield said...

Yay for no junky eye!

Laura said...

Hope the junky eye is gone for good!! I was born with the same problem, Owen, but needed surgery.. I still get junky eye all the time:(

ayb2 said...

Yay! Congratulations... Sonia had it for a few weeks in both eyes, but not long.

peppersnaps said...

That's great to hear! :) You're getting so big, BTW, and you are such a cutie!

I have a random question for you: how do you get that link that says "older posts" at the bottom of your blog? I want to be cool like you and add one.