Saturday, October 13, 2007

Out to eat

Tonight, Mommy and Daddy took me out to dinner! We went to a Mexican restaurant. The waitress was smiling at me and tickling me, so I totally flirted with her. It was a BIG HIT.

For dinner, I had a quesadilla.


I'm all messy! And look at my teeth! I have six now!

Luckily they gave me some food. Usually I just have to eat the plate.

I also expertly drank water out of my sippy cup. I am getting pretty good at it!

Obviously, I would rather have had Daddy's drink.

When Daddy leaned over to pick up all of the food I had dropped on the floor, I helped him by taking off his glasses. I didn't want him to get any food on them or anything.

Mommy and I had fun too! I was banging on the table. Woo!

We had a lot of fun! I like going out to dinner.

1 comment:

SLM said...

That's so cute! And your mommy's hair looks adorable!