Wednesday, September 26, 2007


OMG. Mommy took me to school on Monday morning. She plopped me down on the mat, found a cool toy for me to play with and then went off to do her job. But a totally weird thing happened next. Daddy came to pick me up! I figured Mommy would be waiting for me at home but, SHE WASN'T! Then in the morning, she wasn't there either. OR the next night! Today was Wednesday and, surprise! Mommy picked me up at school. What happened to her??

She said she had to go to some retreat for work. It was at the beach. It was her first time being away from me for so long.

Actually, lets be honest. I barely noticed. Daddy did a good job. He fed me (I threw broccoli at him), he gave me a bottle (I spit up on him), he gave me a bath, he read me a book and put me to bed. He followed all of the Buggle routines. Excellent. We played and went for a walk. It was fun!

But now Mommy is back and I am so excited!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that daddy coped. You never mentioned how many 'beers and pizza's' you both had!! Take care, love to you all. Nan & Grandad.