Saturday, May 26, 2007

What I did this week

Like I said in my last post, I've done a few exciting things this week! I guess I should start off with my BIGGEST NEWS.

I'm getting my first tooth!!!

That's right, you heard me. I'm on my way to a full set of chompers. Well, you gotta start somewhere. I'm starting with my lower left front tooth. It just poked through my gums yesterday or today! I've been able to feel something there for a while, but Mommy and Daddy only figured it out this morning when Mommy let me chew on her finger and felt something sharp. I know Mommy is worried about breastfeeding me when I have teeth but I promise not to bite her... too many times! Anyhow, no pictures yet, but I'll put one up when we have one!

Another thing I did this week was participate in a research study at Duke. Mommy took me over there on Thursday morning and we met a nice lady who brought us to a room. Mommy filled out some paperwork and I tried to help her by crumpling it up (I love crumpling up paper!). Then the lady took a picture of us! Then we went to another room and I sat in a bouncy chair in front of a big TV screen. There was a man in here who told us that the TV could detect where my eyes were looking. Isn't that cool? I thought so. Anyhow, some pictures and movies showed on the TV of like, blocks and flowers and a doggie. They showed a picture of some blocks and then the next time they showed it one of the blocks had gone away! I kept looking to see where the block was but I couldn't find it. There was some other stuff too. I was very good and watched the whole thing very closely, just like I was suppossed to. Mommy sat right behind me while I did it. Then the man showed Mommy a video that showed what had been on the screen and what I had been looking at. She thought that was pretty neat! After it was over we went back to the first room and they gave me a certificate and a T-shirt! Here's a picture of those:

The T-shirt is too big for me now, but I can't wait until I can wear it, because I'll look so cool! Apparently they do all kinds of studies like this over at Duke so the lady said that we might get called to do another one. I hope so!

Another thing that happened this week was that Mommy took me to Babies R Us and bought me a couple new toys. One of them goes on my carseat and I play with it on my way to school. The other two are ones that I play with at home. This one is my favorite so far.

Unfortunately it also seems to be the doggie's favorite, because he chewed part of it off while I was at school yesterday! Daddy had to trim off what was left so I didn't hurt myself.

I'm still trying to eat rice cereal and I guess I'm getting a little better at it, but I still really don't like it. My teacher feeds me some every morning at school. I swallow a little bit so I think Mommy has decided that I've eaten enough of it that if I were going to have a reaction to it I would have. So she said we might try something new soon. I hope its something that is better than rice cereal!

It is my first Memorial Day this weekend and we have a lot of fun parties to go to. We went to one today actually. It was a party to meet baby Sophie, who is Mommy and Daddy's friends new baby. At that party we met another baby that had the EXACT SAME birthday as me! This baby also came late and had to be induced to come out. He was born in London, where my Daddy used to live, but his parents are both from Ireland. It was neat to meet him!

Our pool opens this weekend too so maybe I can get Mommy and Daddy to take me there!
Hope you have a good holiday weekend!


Anonymous said...

Tooth, WOW, came with no fuss, (but when they go they hurt!!) Watch out mummy!! A new Scientist as well, you're keeping it in the family. Well done. Not fair of Milo to chew your new toy, perhaps if you took his bone he would leave your's alone......Lots of love, Nanny & Grandad. (UK).

Anonymous said...

owen, i knew you were going to be smart but even i am surprised that you are a scientist at 5 months of age.WOW! and a first tooth on top of that! i'm looking forward to seeing it when you come. love,g-g

peppersnaps said...

OMG, LOVE the infant scientist award. You've already accomplished more than I have in my whole career! :)