Saturday, April 21, 2007

My new favorite noise

If I learn Spanish one day, I'll be really good at rolling my R's in the back of my throat. Mommy can't do it, but I'm a pro. I've been practicing constantly for the last week.

Here are two videos where you can hear me making my new favorite noise. In the first one, Mommy and I are discussing what she did that made me do the very-sad-faced-cry earlier in the day.

What Mommy did to elicit the very sad faced cry on Vimeo

My new favorite noise on Vimeo

Incidentally, I've been exceptionally grouchy for the last two days and Mommy and Daddy don't know why, because usually I'm really good. I'm starting day care on Monday and my teachers are not going to believe it when Mommy tells them that I'm usually a happy baby!

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