Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What, you want some pictures?

Okay. I can do that.

I love playing at the park now. These pictures are from a few weeks ago. I played ball with my friend Ike.

Daddy pushed me on the baby swing.

Mommy and I went down the slide. Now I can go down the slide by myself (grinning maniacally all the way), but this was one of my first times so Mommy helped me.

I also got to climb on all of the playground stuff and crawl through the tunnels. And I made Mommy crawl after me. Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the ball you are playing with, easy for mum & dad to hold onto! Glad you had a good time. Hope the ear infection is now better, & not disturbing mummies sleep. Take carre, Love Nan & Grandad. (UK).