Sunday, February 24, 2008

Teething is hard

I have a lot of teeth now. I have all four front teeth on top and bottom, and all four of my first set of molars. The molars were fun. I just finished with them. I didn't get any break though, because now my canine teeth are coming through. Those are the worst! I have been so miserable. I can't sleep either, and I have woken up at night each of the last two nights, and I can't go back to sleep. This morning I woke up at 3:45 and Mommy ended up sleeping on the floor next to my crib so that I would go back to sleep, which I didn't do until about 5:30. Then when I woke up at 7:15, she made Daddy get up so she could sleep longer. The night before Daddy had to sleep with me. Oh, and I also had a fever that night of 102.

I'm not much better during the day. Teeth hurt day and night! I can't eat anything because it hurts. I think I have eaten about five bites of food since Friday night, which was when things really started to go downhill.

Hopefully this passes soon!!


Madeleine said...

Teeth? What are those?

I do know about not sleeping at night, though! :)

I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Teeth are painful when they come, and painful when they go! The bonus is, extra cuddles from mummy & daddy. You will soon be eating normally again. Love Nan & Grandad.

Madeleine said...

Ok so I lied. I do know what teething is. I just got my first tooth today! Yay!

Maybe that explains my super crabiness.