Tuesday, December 11, 2007

First word?

Well, I may or may not be saying my first word. It may or may not be 'hi'.

Mommy is really overanalyzing this whole thing. First she thought I had a word for 'cat'. It was not "cat", but it was some high pitched squealy sound. I do not, in fact, have a word for 'cat'. I just like cats! I get happy and excited when they are around, thus the squealing. But every time the cats would come by, I could see Mommy's ears perk up. I could almost see her thinking "Is that the same high pitched squealy sound he did last time?? I don't know! Maybe! Aaaaaargh!'

I'm just messing with her.

But this 'hi' thing, thats a little bit different. I started saying "hi" to her when she would come into the room. Yesterday when she came in to pick me up at school I said "hiiiiiiii". Mommy asked my teacher whether she thought I said 'hi', and my teacher agreed. She also agreed with Mommy that I had said it a few other times in the correct context. Mommy is hesitant to label this as my FIRST WORD (like I said, Mommy totally overanalyzes), but its TENTATIVELY my first word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Hi' Owen. Another tick on the list for achievements. Keep analysing mummy & daddie's words,(like they do your's) & soon you will be talking all the time..... Take care, love Nan & Grandad.