Well, I do. Its just that I'm on vacation again! I know! I'm up in New Hampshire again visiting G-G and Sky King. Mommy and Daddy went to some boring science meeting this week that was convieniently located in New Hampshire (considering that before Mommy and her family moved here she thought they just bussed people in for the primaries - surely no one lives in New Hampshire! - its quite the koinky-dink!), so my doggie and I stayed with G-G and Sky King while Mommmy and Daddy did their boring science work. I mean, as far as I am aware, there were no blocks, no exersaucers, no stacking rings, NOTHING at the meeting. I don't know why they wanted to go so bad.
ANYHOW. We all stayed up on Lake Squam at a friend's house. It was fun - I even went swimming in the lake with Mommy and G-G! Mommy and Daddy stayed with us some nights and spent some nights at their boring meeting, staying up really late drinking with other boring scientists. What do I care - I have been sleeping through the night for almost two weeks now, so I wouldn't have even seen Mommy at night! I know!!! Mommy had to work with me a little bit on this but eventually I went along with her plan. The first night we got to New Hampshire, I woke up once because I was a little hyper from all the traveling. But other than that, not a peep. I guess now that I'm seven months old and moving up into the big baby's room at school, it was time for me to give up the night time feeding (and time for Mommy to have a gin and tonic after I go to sleep!).
When Mommy and Daddy's meeting ended we went back to G-G and Sky King's house in southern NH. Then we went to Massachusetts to visit Matt and Melissa and their new baby Madeleine. That was fun, except I was a little tired. Mommy tried to get me to take a nap but there was so much other fun stuff I could be doing so I didn't want to and I just cried and cried. Mommy said that she remembered when I was as young as Madeleine she hated to hear me cry at all and would comfort me ASAP, but now she lets me cry when she knows she's doing something for my own good, even if I don't want to do it. Like go to sleep when there is a lot of other fun stuff to do! She felt like a really seasoned Mommy. Anyhow, you're suppossed to comfort babies as young as Madeleine when they cry because they need you. But me? I'm going to let you in on a little secret - I totally manipulate my Mommy sometimes. For example, I put on the
very sad-faced cry when she puts me down to play with my toys while she goes to the bathroom, or do the dishes or whatever. Sometimes it works, mostly it doesn't. But I keep trying!
Anyhow, we had fun visiting everyone and we're going to visit them again on Monday.
Daddy left today, he and the doggie drove home and it took them 14 hours. YUCK. I would have been screaming the WHOLE TIME. One thing we have learned on this vacation is that I get fussy in cars other than Mommy's. It's because Mommy's hybrid is so fuel efficient that I hate driving in other cars. I never cry in her car (I mean, we drive together for an hour every day), but I cry in all other cars. I don't know, its just my
Mommy and Daddy got me a few new toys. Well, also G-G and Sky King got me some toys that stay up here. In one of them, it looks like I am driving a boat. I'll try to post a picture of that later. Since I'm all keen on standing up now, Daddy picked out a toy for me that helps you walk. Only it doesn't have a brake on it so it rolls away whenever I try to use it, which I am so not ready for. They also bought me a shape sorter, which I like, but so far only so I can bang the blocks together with my hands. I like to bang all sorts of things together - paper, stackable rings, rubber duckies, puffs, my bib, whatever! I am not picky.
Anyhow, its time for me to go to sleep, so I'll talk to you soon! I promise to post some pictures when I get back.