Sunday, August 26, 2007

Busy Saturday

Yesterday we had a busy day. In the morning, Mommy and I went to the Farmers' Market and met Jax and his Mommy and Daddy. We had never met Jax's Daddy before, but he's a geek like my Daddy so I'm pretty sure that Jax and I will be playing some geeky games together when we get older. I'm going to start getting my Dark Elf army together, just so I'm prepared. It was SO HOT at the Farmers' Market that I thought I was melting, and Mommy's hair was so sweaty that it looked like she had gone swimming.

After lunch we met up with Julianna and her Mommy and went to the Museum of Life and Science, which is just down the road from us but we have never been to. It was totally cool! First we sat in a big room where there were a bunch of blocks.

Then there was another room that had some other things to play with, like one of these things:

...and a bunch of other toys with balls that were really meant for older kids. This one was like skee-ball, except you put the ball in at the top and it ran down a ramp with a loop. Then it flew off the ramp and into different colored buckets. Thats what I'm watching here.

This museum had a lot of cool things. Some animals (we saw a baby muskrat!), a whole thing about weather that had some cool stuff to play with, and a cool butterfly house! Inside the butterfly house was a little exhibit where baby butterflies had built chrysalises and some were hatching out of them while we watched! That was neat.

1 comment:

SLM said...

YAY! I'm going to the museum today...I'll tell the butterflies you said "hi."