Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My first eye doctors appointment

Today we went to the eye doctors. For me! I know, you probably thought it was for Mommy because a) she has a wierd eye problem called strabismus and b) babies don't go to the eye doctor! I mean, do they? Well, GUESS WHAT. They do.

See, there are lots of eye problems that can affect how well you see. Some of them, if you get them treated when you're a baby, can be fixed so that you see fine when you're a big kid or a grown up. Like Mommy's strabismus, for example. That is a problem where her eyes don't line up right. Her brain didn't know what to do with that so it decided that it would just ignore one eye. So Mommy has no depth perception, which means I probably can't count on her playing tennis with me. Oh well! When Mommy was little they didn't treat strabismus as early as they do now. She did not have surgery until she was 3.5 years old, but now they do it on babies even less than a year old some times!

Anyhow, a group of optometrists (and apparently Jimmy Carter!) called InfantSEE have decided to give free vision tests to babies to help find these sorts of problems. Pretty cool! Mommy wanted to make sure I didn't have the same problem that she had so she made an appointment for me.

This is the chair I sat in. Well, Mommy sat in the chair and held me.

The doctor put some glass things in front of my eyes and flashed a little light around for me to look at. Then he leaned the chair (and me and Mommy) back and put some drops in my eyes. Ack! It was like pinkeye all over again!

I had to wait a while for the drops to do their job, so Mommy read me a book about glaucoma.

And then she let me play with it.
Then the doctor came back in and turned off the lights. He put another glass thing in front of my eye and then shone another light into my eye! Ow! My eyes were sensitive to the light! I don't know what was in those drops, but I didn't like it!

When we finished, he said that my eyes looked great! Perfectly aligned. Phew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Owen, great news about the eyes eh. Tennis may be easy against mummy, but how about playing daddy, he'll probably be slow compared to you. Your reading material looked interesting!! you're starting early on biology. Love the updates of your blog. Love Nan & Grandad.