Friday, February 23, 2007

Back in the burrito

When I was at the hospital the ladies in the nursery wrapped me up really tightly in an Owen-burrito. I liked that because I felt snug and I didn't have to worry about my arms and legs startling me too much. Mommy and Daddy were not very good at wrapping Owen-burritos, so they stopped doing this. But then Mommy read some book that talked about ways to help babies sleep better, and they said that burritos were helpful. So Mommy bought a blanket that is an automatic burrito blanket - it just velcros shut - and now I sleep in that. And its working pretty good, I think, because I have been sleeping longer - sometimes up to 7 hours at a stretch!

Here's me taking a nap in my crib wrapped in my burrito blanket.

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