Monday, June 30, 2008

A few videos

I am getting much better at eating with a spoon. Thats not to say that I still don't make a huge mess and eat the majority of my meal with my hands, but at least I can use the spoon if needed. Here I am eating a very balanced diet:

A balanced diet from meandertail on Vimeo.

When I'm not eating ketchup, I like to read. I have a lot of books to get through, and I say goodbye to each one when I am done with it (unfailingly polite).

Reading Books from meandertail on Vimeo.

One of my books has a lot of animal noises in it. Usually I know that the singing pigs say 'la la la' but I decided to mix it up a bit here.

Animal Noises from meandertail on Vimeo.

There is also a video of me on Amelia's blog. I really, really wanted to say hi to her. Scroll down about halfway to find it!


Mémère and Papa said...

Owen, you are so smart and cute...and so grown up. I loved all you videos. Was that French I heard you speaking? My, my, my bilingual too. What a treasure you are. Keep up the good work. Love to you and your mom and dad.

Anonymous said...

wow, you are getting to be such a big boy! i enjoyed listening to you reading the books. and i love your shirt, it looks great on you. miss you bunches,,hugs, g-g

Laura said...

Owen, you are so cute!! I love your little Crocs!!