Saturday, January 19, 2008

First snow

Well, it finally happened! We got snow in North Carolina! They were talking about it ALL MORNING, but still there was no snow. There wasn't even any rain! And then all of a sudden this afternoon it started snowing. Mommy and Daddy took me outside so that I could see what snow looks like.

Hopefully it will keep snowing or raining or something, because we have hardly any water left in Durham. I want to be able to have a glass of water in February!


Anonymous said...

You must have swapped the weather, we have not had any snow here, but plenty of rain. Enjoy it. We are having the warmest January ever! Love Nan & Grandad.

Anonymous said...

gosh owen, could you be any cuter!LOVED your pictures, the look of wonder on your face is priceless. i sure miss giving you kisses. come see me soon. hugs, g-g

Anonymous said...

yay! i'm worried about you growing up down south and getting soft about the cold!
you are ridiculously cute, by the way. donnah