Sunday, March 4, 2007

I'm 2 months old!

I can hardly believe this myself, but it has been TWO WHOLE MONTHS since I was Studs. I know! I had my two month doctors appointment on Wednesday, and I am 24 inches long and 12 pounds, 5.5 ounces. That means I am in the 90th (!) percentile for height, and the 75th percentile for weight. Apparently I take after my Daddy, because Mommy is kinda short.

Anyhow, this week has been a busy one! My Nan and Grandad are still here. They go for lots of walks with me and Mommy and Daddy. Because they've been here to help Daddy out, Mommy has left me with them a few times. She went to get a pedicure once, and she went to Daddy's work to do some experiments. I wish she'd stop leaving me because I get all fussy when she's gone! Unfortunately, I think that pretty soon Mommy is going to start going to work EVERY DAY. I don't know what I'll do then!

One day Mommy took me with her when she went somewhere. We went to a lunch playdate with the Triangle Mommies group. Okay, there isn't really a whole lot of playing going on at these playdates - not yet! But it was a lot of fun to see all the other babies, and I guess Mommy liked meeting the other mommies too!

Now that I'm so big, I'm outgrowing all of my old clothes and ready to wear some of my 3-6 month size clothes. So yesterday, Mommy dressed me up and we all went for a walk. Can you see too that my hair is growing back in? I don't look bald anymore. But I'm starting to get cradle cap, and I heard that that can make my hair fall out too. Its hard being a baby!

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